Northville Dresser
Northville Dresser
Shaped Marble Top 9 Drw & 2 Wooden Doors with 1 Shelf Inside (Recessed Front Panels) Drawer: Glide Side Metal (27mm Ball Bearing, Full Ext.), Dovetail French Front, Felt-Lined Top Drawer, Safety Stop Included, Manual Close, Hdw Drawer: Silver Gray Metal, Top Drawer: Single Knob, Bottom Drawer: Single Handle, Door: Oversized Knob Raised Motifs: Oversized Acanthus Leaves & Carved Molding Trim (Poly-Resin) Construction: Wooden Case Good with Wood Veneer (Oak), Top Panel: MDF 17mm with painted edge, Poplar Solid Wood, Drawer Bottom Panel: 2.5mm Ply, Drawer Side Panel: 9mm Ply MARBLE WARNING: Marble Absorbs Liquids, protect against spills, if a spill occurs, CLEAN INMEDIATELY. Do not place cold or hot itmes directly on the marble.